Redgate Beach is one of the most beautiful in Torquay, but now officially out of bounds because it gets cut off by the tide. In the old days there was a concrete walkway which enabled access, and old postcards from the 60s and 70s show the beach absolutely packed. You can still get there if you're prepared to walk the sheep path down the cliff from Walls Hill, or to scramble around the rocks at low tide, but if you swim of course the beach is open all hours. A gang of us arrived to find it looking stunning: fine sand, pink rock and most of all the sea stretching out in front, a wonderful juicy green. We climbed down the rocks from Anstey's Cove next door, and were soon swimming in the protective curve of the cove, bathed in sunlight and sparkles one minute, then shrouded in grey the next, as the clouds came and went. The sea was changing colour all the time, and although it wasn't completely clear we could still see rocks and seaweed - and Carole and Helen who did a bit of underwater diving.Jackie and I decided to swim to Long Quarry Point which forms one arm of
the cove. We were hoping to go into a cave behind the pinnacle, which
has a secret swimming pool. However as we approached, the sea started to
get more choppy and there was too much swell to get into the cave. I
suppose that's one of the frustrations - and joys - of swimming in the
sea. You never quite know how a swim will turn out.