Just because a beach is in the middle of a conurbation doesn't mean it's not wild. Anna, Ellie and I set off for Armchair Cove in Paignton, which you can get to via a suburban street and a short walk past a holiday camp and under the railway line. You emerge into a green and blue heaven, a
grassy cliff top with the sea spread out in front of you like a magic
blue carpet. Armchair Cove is tucked away under the cliff, a small oasis
of calm fringed with exotic, Gaudi-esque rock formations. The water
was very clear for the time of year, and warm, at 14.7, and we swam
around, heads permanently down, marvelling at the beautifully coloured
seaweeds and intricately twisted rocks. Then there was a shout. "Green
anemones" cried Anna, and there they were, snakelocks anemones rippling
in the water, green ones and pink ones, surrounded by a kaleidoscope of
pinks, purples, browns and greens.