The Green Hill is my name for the place where my son Felix is buried. It is a field above the Dart estuary, called Sharpham Meadow. Since he died in 2017 it has become a place of great importance for me, not just because it is where he rests, but because of its connection to the other places of significance in my life: the sea, Dartmoor, and the river itself. These places are all bound up with my sense of home and family and shared experiences that have formed me over the last twenty years. I'm writing about this in a memoir called The Green Hill: Letters to a son that has been taken up by the crowdfunding publisher Unbound. The book is, of course, about grief, but it is also about how you can experience joy even when in the depths of sadness. The publication of the book will depend on people pledging in advance; you can find out more HERE.