Saturday, 6 February 2010

View from a surfboard

The surf was boiling and beautiful at Bantham today. The sun was shining brilliantly too, and the beach was balmy, which was odd because when you've got lots of surf, you've usually got lots of wind too. We headed into the waves with our body boards, and had a spiffing time zooming up the beach at regular intervals. I thought it would be interesting to try and film myself from the surfboard. Watch the results...


Liz said...

Well - as I can't swim, that is the closest I'll ever get to 'riding a wave'!!!!! Fabulous - I sooooooo enjoyed that.....

Liz x

Sophie said...

Thanks Liz! As you can imagine, trying to catch the wave and hold the camera steady at the same time was, ahem, somewhat challenging at times....