We were supposed to be doing a practice run for mystery charity swim being planned for September. I can't reveal any more details about the swim at the moment, except to say it will be of an intrieguing and historic nature and everyone will have the chance to take part. Watch this space. Tor Bay will be the venue - normally the perfect place for swimming - flat calm, shallow waters and no currents. Except it wasn't today. There was a strong Easterly blowing right in, it was rough, and there was a lot of surf - something you rarely see here. So we abandoned our planned route and wave-dodged instead.
http://www.channelcoast.org/data_management/real_time_data/charts/?chart=85 is useful in this respect. It's the Torbay waverider buoy linked from the Torbay Council harbour web page. When the wind's about 90 degrees and the wave height reaches the 2m storm threshold then it's worth considering checking the surf at Paignton/Preston/Livermead. The sea temperature is still low. It was around 9/10deg for the Boxing Day swims. Roll on warmer water and lots of swims after work.
Thanks Allan, that sounds very useful I will check it out. We are supposed to be having another bash at a dry run - or rather a 'wet run' of our charity swim again this weekend...details to follow...as you say, roll on some decent weather! Cheers Sophie
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