Hope Cove is one of the prettiest coastal villages in Devon, with its tiny harbour and cute cottages, not to mention the lively pub with its New Year Morris Men. We swam from Outer to Inner Hope - from one beach to the next round a small headland - and on the way found Devon's answer to the Corryvreckan whirlpool. Best of all though was swimming into the harbour where a grey seal was there to greet us. We trod water, not wanting to break the spell. It would pop up and look at us for a while, before dropping its head back in the most uber-casual manner and disappearing into the depths. My friend Gareth did the swim with a video camera strapped to his head. You can see the film
Hope Cove, very many childhood memories. The rock between Inner & Outer Hope used to be called Monk Rock, somtimes The Priest (no idea why). There used to be 2 pubs in Outer Hope, one was The Lobster Pot, can't remeber the other one. Must try to get down there again soon. Very much want to swim Thurlston to Hope somtime
I agree Neil, v keen to do Thurlestone to Hope as well, lots to see along the way and such clear water.
Let me know if you organise it at a time when you can swim it without a wetsuit, as I'd love to join in.
Yes that would be great Carl, will do
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