We were at the Arundell Arms at Lifton for a work thing and after a day spent sitting around a table, writing on a flipchart and generally having to behave, all I wanted was to jump in some water. Luckily there just happened to be the perfect lake nearby, owned by the hotel. They use it to give fishing lessons. It's an old quarry and is serenely beautiful. I'd been chatting to the owner in the bar, and asked if we could have a swim. No problem, he said. How refreshing, no sharp intakes of breath and concern about health and safety issues. So at the close of play Kirk, Emma and I headed for the lake and dived in. Bliss. Thank you to
Michael Marker for the great shot, and to the
Arundell Arms for the swim.
It looks just as lovely as the reservoir Carl and I swam in in Shropshire recently. I'm starting to feel that some people are getting a little less freaked out about swimmers who prefer "real" water and not chemical soup.
Yes, let's hope so!
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