It was the first day of November and the red rocks of Livermead were soaked in sun as we got changed on the ledges.
Aquatic Ape was down from London with Mrs Ape, as well as Fiona, so we were keen to show them the beauties of Torbay. First stop, the caves at Livermead, aka the Hindu Temples, which, as Jackie said, never disappoint. The sea was a brilliant turquoise as we plunged in off the rocks and swam towards the alluring arches in the cliff. Then were were into the first cave, where we marvelled at the intense blue glow of the water as the light bounced in
and off the cave walls. In one recess the water gurgled particularly
menacingly. After an exploration through the rest of the caves,
watched by the resident pigeons, we went for lunch at the Meadfoot Cafe,
before heading over to Anstey's Cove where the water was flat,
beautiful and green, and where we had another swim.