Storm Imogen has been battering Devon for the last twenty four hours, the culmination of three days of atrocious weather. Ellie and I were both desperate for fresh air and a swim, and headed off to Brixham, which we guessed would be the most sheltered spot. As we drove along the coast road and got our first glimpse of the Bay, we could see it was dotted with white horses, an unusual site in these parts where the sea is so flat. Down at Fishcombe, we happily got changed and headed down to the water when who should pop up but the local seal. Neither us felt like swimming with it so we got back in the car and went to nearby Breakwater Beach, where the sea was frisky but manageable, and there were no seals in sight. We swam along towards Berry Head, bumping through the chop and being whipped by angry little gusts....and admired the Gothic house with its widow's walk towering above us. We turned back towards the beach. As we neared the Breakwater it started to 'sing' in a rather eerie but also beautiful way, a sort of musical howling.