It was a sunny Sunday at Fishcombe Cove in Brixham; the beach was in shade but we swam into the sun at Fishcombe Point. A hazy rainbow formed above us, one end perched above the Ore Stone in the distance. Then the sun really blasted us; a wonderful feeling as we bobbed around the rocky inlets at the end of the point. Considering the weather we've had, it was amazing to be swimming in such calm, beautiful sea, with 360 degree interest all round, from Hope's Nose, to the mussel farm, to Churston Cove, and the lighthouse on the end of the Breakwater. We swam back to Fishcombe Cove, and were about to get out when the cry of "He's behind you!" rang out. And there was Mr Seal, curious to see what we were all up to.Thanks to Allan for the seal pic.