The clocks had gone forward, and I was a little worse for wear after the unexpected antics of the night before, but the day dawned sunny and fine and it was gorgeous by the time we got to Hope Cove. We laid our blankets out on the golden sand and looked out at the pavement of rocks spreading before us: it was a very low tide and it was interesting to see the full extent of the rocks that you don't even realise are there when the water is further in. We set off around the headland towards Inner Hope but after a short time I noticed a tell-tale black blob in the water. Seal alert! We turned around and swam towards Thurlestone, swimming over huge ribbons of kelp that were glistening in the sun, and passing some stand-up paddleboarders. We then entered a

lagoon in front of a what felt like a desert island beach, and dragged ourselves over stones and boulders to come out on the virgin sands. Allan spotted an 'upstairs' cave up the cliff, which, naturally, we climbed up and explored, before wandering back along the beach, doing a bit of beachcombing and litter-picking. The perfect potter. Thanks to Allan for the buoy picture.
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