It was a dank old morning on Dartmoor, and as I drove over towards
Torquay I was bracing myself for one of those rather overcast and dull
swims. But as I got nearer the coast, the sun started to come out, and
by the time I met Jackie, Anne and Kay at Maidencombe it was feeling
positively spring-like. As we walked down the steps to the beach the
sea spread out like a vast blue blanket, and I could see a splash of yellow
primroses growing half-way up the cliff. We got in, and swam along the
northerly arm of the beach, past the intricate geometry of the red
sandstone blocks which cluster the bottom of the cliff, and out to the
edge of the cove, where we could see all the way up the coast to
Shaldon. I've never swum out to this point before, and when I looked
back I had a whole new perspective on the beach. Thanks to Jackie and Anne for their pictures.

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