Tuesday, 31 December 2013
Scaring the fishermen (but not the fishes)
Hope's Nose,
wild swimming
Saturday, 28 December 2013
A magical mystery dip
Thursday, 26 December 2013
Festive dipping
Sunday, 22 December 2013
Santa swims at Sugary
We descended on Sugary Cove in Dartmouth where the tide was high, in
anticipation of a swim through what is sometimes grandly referred to as
'the Ravine' - a channel bordered by high rocks on either side, which
leads through to Castle Cove. We had Santa with us, aka my friend Allan,
who led the expedition through some initially alarming swell and then
headed bravely towards the channel. I suppose, being used to going down
chimneys and all, he had no fear of this particular tunnel, and was
soon half way through the ravine. We followed Santa, like a troop of
little elves, and it felt spectacular being surrounded by the high, dark
rocks, and getting through to the other side.
Sunday, 15 December 2013
Exploration around the Armchair
There were white horses out in the middle of Tor Bay, but down in the little cove sheltered by Armchair Rock, the sea was pretty calm, apart from a gentle swell as we waded in. This place is special, a secluded lagoon with intricate rock formations like coral, with a maze of rocky channels to explore. We swam through one, admiring the unnaturally flat wall of rock which bordered us on one side, while trying to avoid injuries as we scrambled over the shallower bits. We came back through into the main lagoon where Karen and Jo jumped off the Armchair; this is a great spot for diving at high water.
Thanks to Jo for the top picture.
Thanks to Jo for the top picture.
Monday, 25 November 2013
The sharks' fins of Torquay
Monday, 18 November 2013
A swim and a skull
Anna and I set off from New Bridge following the Dart upstream, in constant admiration at the intensity of the oranges and golds of the leaves, set against the dramatic river rushing below. We arrived at Holne Cliff, opposite Wellsfoot Island, where the river opens out into a particularly dark, oval pool. Wild swimming guru Rob Fryer has a powerful description of the boulders on the bottom of this pool; he says they're like 'tightly swaddled babies'. Anna and I made our way in by wading in along a ledge and under a fallen tree, before launching out into the cold yet beautifully soft water. There was a strong current to swim against to get across to the calmer side by the beach on the island, but the effort of swimming against it helped us acclimatise. Lily, Anna's dog, seemed very excited and we discovered she'd found a sheep's skull with a spectacular set of horns. Anna took it home to add to her growing collection of Dartmoor bones.
river dart,
wild swimming
Saturday, 16 November 2013
Underneath the arch
magnificence. The sea was petrol blue and glossy ribbons of kelp swayed to and fro, hanging from the rock. The tunnels and caves inside the arch were accessible, because the tide was low, and we swam inside, and were rocked up and down by the swell....before the cave turned nasty and spat us out.
Thanks to Jo Lubbe for the picture inside the cave.
And you can watch the swim below!
London Bridge,
wild swimming
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
It's getting colder......
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
The call of the caves
Monday, 21 October 2013
Swimming to Silver Cove
South westerlies have been battering Devon, so I was in search of somewhere sheltered to swim. Elberry Cove, in between Paignton and Brixham, was the obvious choice, tucked as it is in the SW corner of Torbay, with its back to the gales. We arrived to find beautiful calm, verdigris water and as we waded in on a very low tide it felt really quite warm. I've swum here many times and have always been curious about a little cove further along; I assumed it had no name but my son was looking at a map on a board by the beach and discovered it is called Silver Cove. We ended up swimming over to it, seeing herons, black backed gulls and cormorants on the way. I had assumed it would be too cold to swim that far - about half a mile there and back - but the water was lovely. A few of us climbed out to 'claim' the beach; there was no silver or indeed any other treasure in evidence, perhaps it gets its name from the pale stones.
Thanks to Jackie Wills for the first picture.
Thanks to Jackie Wills for the first picture.
Monday, 14 October 2013
Autumnal swimming
We're at that critical time of year when you have to keep immersing to be able to cope with the cold times ahead. Some friends and I have a regular Sunday morning dip in the Dart which I have only irregularly attended throughout the summer. So this Sunday I was rather dreading getting in. I stood in the water for a while before taking the plunge, while the rest of the party faffed around on the bank. That proved a good thing, as I started to get used to it so when I eventually launched it didn't feel too bad. The water was beautifully clear and there was an amazing underwater autumnal spectacle of leaves drifting down down through the water like little gold coins.
Sunday, 13 October 2013
Wild Watcombe
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
My dear friend the Dart
Monday, 23 September 2013
Birthday at Burgh

Thanks to Allan Mcfadyen and Amanda Bluglass for the pictures.
Burgh Island,
wild swimming
Sunday, 22 September 2013
Pier to Pub
Monday, 9 September 2013
Pool plunging (with an emergency rescue thrown in)

Sunday, 25 August 2013
A swim, a scramble, and some gnomes

Thanks to Allan Macfadyen and Stephanie Simon for the pictures.
Sunday, 18 August 2013
Dawn at the Hindu Temples of Torbay

Thursday, 15 August 2013
Showing a rookie the ropes
However as he unwrapped his box-fresh new wetsuit, I started to wonder if we were mad taking him out; the calm clear seas were turning dark and choppy. What is usually a short, easy swim, turned out to be anything but, as not only was the wind against us, but to add injury to insult, there were jellyfish too. Olivier confessed afterwards that he'd found the experience quite, ahem, challenging, but despite this he has asked to come out with us again! Read his hilarious report here.
Monday, 12 August 2013
Simple pleasures
I had a day with my goddaughter today; particularly precious as I am the only female in my household. She's 10, and a brave and adventurous swimmer. We went to Maidencombe, a lovely little cove at the northern end of Torquay. The cafe there is selling my book; we dropped off more copies before heading on down to the beach where we had two glorious swims in exceptionally clear water. We swam along the left hand side of the beach, winding in and out of the rocks and gullies; we saw dark silhouettes of wrasse against the sand, like shadow puppets, and numerous shoals of glittering sand eels. There are several great lumps of rock in the water which have fallen off the cliffs above; the water around them is blue and deep and we had fun climbing up the thickly barnacled ledges before hurling ourselves off the other side into the depths below. Then it was back up the steps to the cafe for bacon rolls, before back down to the beach for more swimming. A perfect summer's day.
Monday, 5 August 2013
The Mermaids (and mermen) of Burgh
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